Thursday, October 11, 2007

Yes, I smell like Shaving Cream!

Ugh! I was eating a little snack (and I'll admit it, doing a little reading while eating). I could here the children playing and didn't think anything of it. After all they've been wearing their new Halloween costumes all day and having a great time of it. Then Austin tells me "Brendan's in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom". I said "Go get him out. " No big deal. He comes out again a few minutes later saying Brendan won't leave. So I go back there, expecting that maybe he's been playing in the water in the sink. What I find is a little more horrifying--there is SHAVING CREAM EVERYWHERE!!!

Brendan is all wet because he's on the counter trying to clean it. I change him and go back to clean it up. You name it there's shaving cream on it--must have been a new can. Blue foam in the tub, on the shower, the mirror, the counters, all the stuff on the counters. The cute little basket I had on the sink is ruined, not to mention shaving cream in every votive and candle in the basket!

Then, here comes the kicker... after 30 minutes of cleaning out everything in the bathroom (ok I went ahead and cleaned the bathroom while I was in there)...I find out AUSTIN WAS THE ONE WHO SPRAYED THE SHAVING CREAM! It wasn't my curious little 2 year old who was trying to clean it up, it was the big one who knows better. Yikes! And before you ask--no I didn't take pictures. Now that I'm calmed down, I wish I would have :(

And how was your day?


Anonymous said...

AAAHAHAHAHA!!!! That would be my first question: WHO was it???? Aidan (19 months) would have the desire, but Diego (3.5) has the know-how, lol. Isabella (7) would either tattle or stay quiet in the other room, lmao. I once left a 3yo alone in the tub...within reach of a brand-new jumbo size bottle of baby wash...and a pitcher. I had a baby-fresh bathroom for a couple weeks, sparkling floors, and the kid got dried off with a sheet, lmao.

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure the pictures were going to follow after the story. You poor girl. I bet you'll never be able to smell that shaving cream again without remember the mess you had to clean up. :)