I've been inspired by one teacher's blog. She committed to blogging every day for a year. Her blog is so positive and so inspirational. She inspires me as a teacher and a person. I don't know if I'll be able to post every single day, but I'm stealing a couple ideas from her for myself this year. The first is listing five blessings every Friday. What a powerful, uplifting way to end the week. She also does poetry constantly with her classes. This is inspiring me to do "Poetry Wednesdays" in all my classes. You can look for my own poems here every Wednesday. I'm also going to try for a creative Saturday, so I'm posting at least one piece of artwork per week. Hopefully I'll have more, but we'll see.
I wanted to share a few highlights from this year:
Austin turned 10 with a bowling party with friends at Westy's
Brendan turned 7 with a Star Wars party at Bodies in Motion
In March, we went to California to visit family and celebrate my Grandpa's birthday
And the Star Wars exhibition at the Discovery Science Center (I wanted Disneyland, but was outvoted by my Star Wars nuts)
Then to Vegas for a wedding. I got to meet Blake Shelton, but was so excited I messed up the photo.
In June, we went on an Alaskan Cruise. By far the highlight of our year!!
After we got back from our cruise, my grandparents came to visit. It was so much fun having them here.
Over the summer, there was fishing,
swimming (both boys mastered the high dive)
Bike Riding,

Camel's Back Park,
And Bruneau Sand Dunes
Over Labor Day, we went to Seattle to see the King Tut Exhibit
and the Mariner/Angel game.
We had French dress up day for the School Auction.
We had a scare with our little B, who had pneumonia.
Both boys played basketball this year. AAU for Austin
and YBall for Brendan.
In December, Mike and I took an early anniversary trip to Seattle to see the Seahawks play the Cardinals.
We celebrated 14 years on December 26th.
Others I couldn't readily find photos of: my sister came with her kids and the boys got to spend time with their cousins. . Andy came to visit over the summer and Sondra is here right now. On Christmas Eve, my brother, Taylor and his girlfriend, Kaitlin, got engaged!!
I think that about sums up our year. Here's to 2013 and the many blessings to come!