Yesterday afternoon, while I was upstairs posting the pictures from our adventures, my boys were up to no good. They got the brilliant idea to cut their own hair! I probably should have been mad, but I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous they looked, especially Brendan. Austin told me I shouldn't laugh at them, and I said if he didn't want people to laugh, they shouldn't cut their own hair. Poor Brendan was crying because I told him we were going to have to shave his head. He kept saying, "I don't want to be bald!" Luckily, Mike came home and buzzed their hair, and they love the results.
What does that have to do with
Studio J? Last night, I uploaded the pics and created this layout. Click on the layout to see it larger.

I love that I can create fabulous layouts quickly and easily the same day the event took place, while the details are fresh in my mind. While I still love traditional
scrapbooking and the process of creating pages, I love the flexibility and ease of Studio J. I can create fun layouts in 30 minutes or less with no mess to clean up. When the layouts are in my scrapbooks, the only way you can tell they are digital and not traditional is to run your hand over the pages.
Don't forget that in June you can create your own Studio J layout and receive a FREE
JPEG file of your layout. Simply log on to
Studio J, create a layout, then order one
JPG file of your layout. It’s as easy as that! Download and save your file so you can post your layout online, email it to family and friends, or print it.
If you have a Studio J or a
MyCTMH® account, just log in and start creating. If you don’t have an account, creating one is easy. You can access Studio J
Close To My Heart is also holding a
Facebook contest for this promotion. Upload your finished layout to their
Facebook page, and the layout that gets the most votes wins 10 Studio J layouts (
jpeg and printed copies). Win, win! Happy creating :)