I am starting the mother of all scrapbooking projects. I've never attempted a scrapbook class for 31. Now picture this--the 31, well they are 7th graders. I must be crazy, right?! We are working on a research project right now, researching an ancestor (grandparent or further back). It's a project I've done before thanks to the planning and organization of a wonderful mentor teacher my first year teaching. The project was her brainchild; I've just tweaked it a bit. This year, I'm blessed to be at a school where I have a budget for field trips and projects, so I thought, why not turn the project into a scrapbook? We can make it into an art project, and I'll teach about layout, balance, design. We start the scrapook part of it next week, so I'm trying to get my sample pages together this week and get everything ordered.
I'm both enthusiastic and a little apprehensive about an undertaking this big. My students, however, are beyond excited. They keep asking when we get to start on the scrapbook. We made a scrapbook a few months ago for a student who was leaving (one 8x8 page for each student) and they loved it. Even the boys got into it and were so proud of their pages. I think this will be meaningful and fun.

I'm starting with a page that I've shown on here before. This is my grandma who passed away almost 2 years ago. I'll be focusing my pages this time on her.