Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers

After reading about this group on Marjorie's Blog, I had to check it out and join. What a fun idea. I'm always on the lookout for other scrappers and stampers who blog. I am loving looking at everyone's blogs and seeing all the fantastic artwork. And what a coincidence, I ended up in a group with Marjorie and another CTMH sister, Sparkle . I look forward to a sisterhood with the other girls in our group too.

A little about me for those just checking out my blog. I am mom to two very active little boys who keep me very busy, as you'll see from reading my blog. When I'm not chasing them around, I love to stamp and scrapbook. I have been scrapping "properly" for 9 years and stamping for the last 5 (although in high school I used to go to stamping parties all the time with my mom). I am a CTMH Consultant and I love teaching stamping to others. Plus, it allows me to feed my paper and ink addiction. I also love to read and usually have at least two books in progress. I enjoy writing, photography and hanging out with my family too.

I had better go to bed now. I have a card class tomorrow morning and I have to get up early to clean house. Thanks for all the fabulous comments I've been receiving lately. I'm hoping to get a chance to play this weekend and post some new artwork.


Jocy said...

Hi, I'm one of your new sisters...:-)
You've got great artwork on your blog, I'm glad to see more soon!

Diana said...


I am one of your sisters in SBS4! Love your work!!


Marjorie said...

I'm glad you got into the group with us!! It'll be fun to have you both as a CTMH sister and a SBS4 sister!! Welcome :D

Keryn Campbell said...

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I'm really looking forward to having a longer look at your lovely creations.

Ying Pang, said...

I am Ying from Malaysia, glad that we are same group in SBS4. Hope to see more your creations soon!

Yani said...

Hi fellow sistah, welcome to SBS4! It is so nice to meet you. I really enjoyed looking at your LO's. Good job!

Suzanne said...

Hi from a fellow SBS4 sister. You have some great stuff posted, looking forward to seeing more.

stampingbalou said...

Hello scrappernic, I´m one of your sisters of SBS4 - love your blog - your scrapping work is such a fantastic one...