I never did post my word for 2009. I did this last year, inspired by Ali Edwards. Last year my word was "delight". I wanted to challenge myself to find delight in all of the little details that make up our life. While I still want to do this, especially by taking part in Project 365, my word for this year is a little different.
Going back to work full time has been a huge adjeustment for everyone in our family. The kids have had a hard time with Mommy not being around as much. Mike has had a tough time with the fact that I'm not around to get as much done. A lot has fallen on him these last few months, especially with the kids. I can't just leave and go get one of them if they get sick. I can't just go run the car in or any of the other tasks we took for granted before. For me the adjustment has been one I think most working moms face--trying to find enough hours in the day to get everything done. I love my job, and the kids I teach bring me a lot of joy (and yes a few headaches too :) ). However, after a full day teaching other people's children, I still need to come home and take care of my own--dinner, homework, family time, and still try to get papers graded and lesson plans done. I have (mostly) let go of my Close To My Heart business because I just don't have time to get it going again. I hardly scrapbook or stamp, as those loyal followers to my blog have seen. It's been tough, but I'm trying to focus on the positive. With these tough economic times, I know that I am blessed to have a job at a wonderful school. I still get to have weekends, summers and breaks off with my kids. I just need to work in a little more *me* time.
So after that long, rambling intro, my word for this year is BALANCE. My goal is to find balance between work and family and the fun stuff. I want to be able to find time to do the things that I enjoy, without letting go of any of the other things that need to be done. I'm hopeful. This week, I've focused on getting more done before I leave school and instead of grading papers while I catch my favorite shows, I've been stamping and making cards. I've been a happier person :) I'll post the fruits of my stamping labors in a few. The kids and I have been playing Wii fit everyday after school, which is fun, and making me feel good. Here's to a great 2009 and finding balance and joy in the little blessings in our everyday lives!
I've been where you are, although my sons were much older when I reentered the working world. I think that having known something different makes finding the balance you speak of more difficult. Heck, I still struggle sometimes now that grandchildren are part of the picture. Your choice of words was great and your post thought provoking. Good luck!
I think we all struggle with balance. It sounds like you're making great decisions with your family time! Enjoy the moments and to borrow a phrase or two "don't sweat the small stuff" and "it's all small stuff." Good luck!
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