Monday, November 5, 2007

Bee Wonderful...

Last night we took the boys to see Bee Movie and it was a blast. Mind you these are the same children we took to see Ratatoille in theater last year and Austin had spent the whole movie talking and kicking the chair in front of him, while Mike and I took turns walking Brendan around. My sister swore that she'd never go with us again, so I was a little worried going in. We usually stick to the drive in.

We had a rough start. Brendan, used to drive-ins, thought we needed to go outside to watch the movie and pitched a huge tantrum. Austin and I went to find seats. Mike got B calmed down and brought him in, only to have the tantrum start all over again (I just know everyone was silently cursing us). FINALLY got him calmed down and set up with popcorn and a drink and the movie started...

Not a peep out of the kids the entire movie. I'm not sure they even moved. other than Austin having to go potty halfway through. They LOVED it and so did Mike and I. We thought it was hilarious and I'm definitely going to have to see it again because I'm sure there's a lot I missed. It was funny for the adults and appropriate for the boys--a perfect combination. I highly recommend it to those of you with kids (or heck even those without).

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