First off, I have to report--no snow :( Now it's raining again and the boys aren't happy. Brendan ran up to me and said "I don't like rain! I only like snow. The rain should stop!"
This was not as funny as Austin telling us that "THEY" shouldn't make rain, only snow. When we asked who "they" were, he told us the guys that make the rain--Huh?! Apparently, he thought the weather people were actually making the weather, not reporting it. We had to clue him in on the fact that no one can control the weather.
Crazy busy day today. We started the day with Austin's first basketball game. It was great--can't remember the last time I laughed so much. It's so fun watching the little ones play--most of whom are clueless. My favorite moment was when Austin dribbled the ball all the way down the court only to hand it to a kid on the other team--TWICE! Too funny. Poor Brendan just wanted to be out there. As is the way, I'm sure, for most little brothers.

Then we came home and I got ready for a workshop I had this afternoon. We did the fun Folio Accordion Albums designed by a fellow
CTMH Consultant, Kelly
Triggs-English (I think--sorry if I butchered her name). I love these.
The two here are mine--I wish I would have taken pictures of the other ones the ladies did. We made the books together and then everyone had their own pack of
Stickease to decorate. It was fun to see all the creative ideas as everyone made it their own.

Then tonight, I finally had a chance to sit and scrapbook. Pretty Woman was on t.v., so I've been having a few laughs--I haven't seen it in ages. Love that movie. Anyway, these pictures have been on my list to scrapbook for a while. They just crack me up. It still needs something, but I don't have any "potty" or "underwear" stickers or embellishments. Guess I need to go shopping--

Here's the
journaling on the pictures:
1. Use the potty (or try)
Be sure to use lots of toilet paper—on the floor!
2. Run before anyone catches you
3. Look for underwear in Brother’s drawer
4. Find
Scooby Doo ones—they’re the best
5. Put them on—hopefully not backwards
6. Wear them Proud
7. Mission Accomplished!