Saturday, May 31, 2008

A bittersweet day

We had Brendan's third birthday party today and while it was great to see family and friends, I kept thinking about how this is the last time we'll celebrate with everyone down here. Yes, I'm so happy about the move, but since we've lived here, I've gotten used to huge parties of 30+ family and friends. It just won't be the same. Plus I feel like I didn't get to visit with everyone as much as I'd wanted. I hope everyone knows how much we will miss them!

On a happy note, we're really getting things done around here. My sister's boyfriend, Mike, came from Vegas to help us get things done and boy did he. The two Mikes got 3 of the 4 bedrooms cleaned out, touched up and painted. Plus they cleaned the carpets on two of the rooms that didn't get new carpet. We are down to packing and cleaning out our master bedroom and the kitchen--woohoo! It's starting to look empty around here. I'm still not sure when it will actually sink in. Probably not until we get a new house. While we're staying with my mom it will probably just feel like and extended vacation :)

Anyway, I won't bore you with all 109 pics I took today, but here's a couple of my faves

Birthday Boy

Cake Time

One of his favorite new toys
Austin's last day-- they performed My Future's so Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

1 comment:

AmethystCat said...

wow - you're really getting a lot done. great pics!